Full article: Shape memory nanocomposites of polyester/fullerene, polyester/graphene and polyester/carbon nanotube—state-of-the-art and progresses
Full article: Shape memory nanocomposites of polyester/fullerene, polyester/graphene and polyester/carbon nanotube—state-of-the-art and progresses,Evaluation of stress intensity factor for arbitrary and low-quality meshes using virtual grid-based stress recovery (VGSR) - ScienceDirect,Enhancing Nanofiller Dispersion Through Prefoaming and Its Effect on the Microstructure of Microcellular Injection Molded Polylactic Acid/Clay Nanocomposites | Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research,The Market Disruption Path of Green-Oriented Trajectory-Transformed Technology Innovation: A Study of Consumer Lifestyles during the “Chasm” in China’s Electric Vehicle Market,Non-invasive characterization of hybrid gelatin:poly- l -lactide electrospun scaffolds using second harmonic generation and multiphoton imaging - Journal of Materials Chemistry B (RSC Publishing) DOI:10.1039/C8TB02026D